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Ramones Tourdates

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Filtered by "ramonestour.Year" equals "1976"

11976-07-18 SunAsbury ParkNew Jersey
21976-11-24 WedAtlantaGeorgia
31976-11-25 ThuAtlantaGeorgia
41976-11-26 FriAtlantaGeorgia
51976-11-27 SatAtlantaGeorgia
61976-02-26 ThuBostonMassachusetts
71976-05-20 ThuBostonMassachusetts
81976-05-21 FriBostonMassachusetts
91976-05-22 SatBostonMassachusetts
101976-02-27 FriBrockton HighBrocktonMassachusetts
111976-06-19 SatBrunswick Recreation AreaClevelandOhioCancelled due to heavy rain. They watched "Freaks" in Mayfield Cinema and the idea for "Pinhead" and "Gabba Gabba Hey" was born
121976-10-17 SunRoyal Oak TheatreDetroitMichiganwith Moxy
131976-06-10 ThuThe ShowplaceDoverNew Jersey
141976-09-19 SunDoverNew Jersey
151976-05-29 SatAndrew Warde High SchoolFairfieldConnecticut
161976-09-02 ThuHempsteadNew Yorkwith Good Rats
171976-08-23 MonGolden BearHuntington BeachCalifornia
181976-08-24 TueGolden BearHuntington BeachCalifornia
191976-08-25 WedGolden BearHuntington BeachCalifornia
201976-07-16 FriIslipNew York
211976-07-17 SatIslipNew York
221976-10-29 FriJohnson CityTennessee
231976-07-04 SunRoundhouseLondonEnglandwith Flaming Groovies
241976-07-05 MonDingwallsLondonEnglandwith Flaming Groovies
251976-08-11 WedThe RoxyLos AngelesCaliforniawith Flaming Groovies
261976-08-12 ThuThe RoxyLos AngelesCaliforniawith Flaming Groovies
271976-08-16 MonStarwoodLos AngelesCalifornia
281976-08-17 TueStarwoodLos AngelesCalifornia
291976-02-25 WedMount St. Mary SeminaryNashuaNew Hampshire
301976-05-28 FriNew Canaan High SchoolNew CanaanConnecticut
311976-07-22 ThuNew HavenConnecticut
321976-04-09 FriPhase VNew JerseyNew Jerseywith Blondie
331976-04-10 SatPhase VNew JerseyNew Jerseywith Blondie
341976-01-30 FriCBGBNew York CityNew Yorkwith Heartbreakers
351976-01-31 SatCBGBNew York CityNew Yorkwith Heartbreakers
361976-02-01 SunCBGBNew York CityNew Yorkwith Heartbreakers
371976-04-01 ThuCBGBNew York CityNew York
381976-04-02 FriCBGBNew York CityNew York
391976-04-03 SatCBGBNew York CityNew York
401976-04-18 SunMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew Yorkwith Blondie
411976-05-10 MonBottom LineNew York CityNew Yorkwith Dr Feelgood
421976-05-11 TueBottom LineNew York CityNew Yorkwith Dr Feelgood
431976-05-13 ThuCBGBNew York CityNew York
441976-05-14 FriCBGBNew York CityNew York
451976-05-15 SatCBGBNew York CityNew York
461976-06-11 FriMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew York
471976-06-12 SatMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew York
481976-08-06 FriMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew York
491976-08-07 SatMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew York
501976-09-09 ThuCBGBNew York CityNew York
511976-09-10 FriCBGBNew York CityNew York
521976-09-11 SatCBGBNew York CityNew York
531976-10-08 FriMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew Yorkwith Talking Heads
541976-10-09 SatMax's Kansas CityNew York CityNew Yorkwith Talking Heads
551976-11-12 FriNewportRhode Island
561976-11-13 SatNewportRhode Island
571976-09-03 FriFriar Tuck'sNorfolkVirginia
581976-09-04 SatFriar Tuck'sNorfolkVirginia
591976-09-14 TuePoughkeepsieNew York
601976-08-27 FriThe SmokestackRedondo BeachCalifornia
611976-08-28 SatThe SmokestackRedondo BeachCalifornia
621976-10-30 SatRichmondVirginia
631976-03-22 MonMy Father's PlaceRoslynNew Yorkwith Heartbreakers
641976-07-13 TueMy Father's PlaceRoslynNew York
651976-09-27 MonMy Father's PlaceRoslynNew Yorkwith Talking Heads
661976-09-28 TueMy Father's PlaceRoslynNew Yorkwith Talking Heads
671976-08-19 ThuSavoySan FranciscoCalifornia
681976-08-20 FriSavoySan FranciscoCalifornia
691976-08-21 SatSavoySan FranciscoCalifornia
701976-08-22 SunSavoySan FranciscoCalifornia
711976-09-16 ThuStony BrookNew York
721976-09-24 FriNew Yorker TheatreTorontoCanada1976-09-24-25-poster.jpg
731976-09-25 SatNew Yorker TheatreTorontoCanada1976-09-24-25-poster.jpg
741976-10-22 FriWashingtonDistrict of Columbia
751976-10-23 SatWashingtonDistrict of Columbia
761976-10-24 SunWashingtonDistrict of Columbia
771976-09-17 FriWestportConnecticut
781976-09-18 SatWestportConnecticut
791976-09-12 SunWhite PlainsNew York
801976-06-20 SunTomorrow ClubYoungstownOhiowhen Monte got promoted to road manager
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ramones-tourdates/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/03/18 18:47 by MF